Archives for April 2013

Bomber Friday: La Fin Du Monde

It's Friday, so grab your favorite six-pack on the way home from work or enjoy a new beer. Bombers are 22 fl oz bottles of beer that often contain a brewery's elite or unique concoction. Like a good bottle of wine, they are great for sharing and sipping :) Stay tuned for periodic blasts of bomber … [Read more...]

Lemon Coconut Yogurt Scones- Gluten/Dairy-Free

Following stuffing my face with cheesy quiche, whip cream topped gluten-full waffles, lemon scones and honey baked ham on Easter, I began a small cleanse/diet challenge. I have had these herbal supplements in my cupboard for a while and finally decided I needed to do it NOW. Yes, this was a little … [Read more...]

Georgia Brews

It is probably evident by now, but during all my travels I try to taste as much local beer as possible :) Brew pubs and growler stores are popular in Atlanta especially for those seeking to taste fresh craft beer. Growler stores such as The Beer Growler are spreading since growlers currently … [Read more...]