Mexican Chocolate Beer Crepes

Crepes are one of those foods that can be made into breakfast or dessert. Even if the toppings/fillings are dessert items, they can justifiably be eaten for breakfast :) To get adequate photos, these had to be made during the day. So fortunately for you guys, I suffered through eating these … [Read more...]

Bomber Friday: Funkwerks Saison

It's Friday, so grab your favorite six-pack on the way home from work or enjoy a new beer. Bombers are 22 fl oz bottles of beer that often contain a brewery's elite or unique concoction. Like a good bottle of wine, they are great for sharing and sipping :) Stay tuned for periodic blasts of bomber … [Read more...]

The Feast

The Slaughter, A Feast for the Masses, took place this past weekend at TRVE Brewing. Imbibe Denver put this awesome event together and Blake Edmunds of the The Squeaky Bean prepared the incredible food. This was indeed a feast for the masses. There was a ridiculous array of foods starting with … [Read more...]

Tribute to my Mom + Pear Cocktail

AWARDS time! This is a little overdue but I am finally getting around to responding to these lovely blog awards :) It seems inappropriate to be patting my back when this weekend is Mother's Day and I am no mom but as a tribute to my loving mother my award acceptance speech goes to … [Read more...]

South Denver Beer Fest

This past weekend was the South Denver Beer Festival at Clement Park in Littleton. Though it was a little bit of a drive from downtown Denver it was set at a nice park. The festival was spread out and did not feel too crowded. If the weather was just a little warmer it would have been perfect! As … [Read more...]

Cinco De Mayo Beer Cocktail: Michelada

Twisted Pine Brewing in Boulder has been super generous and helpful with my blog. I received a lot of Billy's Chilies to experiment with and have crafted up some tasty recipes and drinks like the Tomato Chicken Chili Beer Soup, a Bloody Billy, Coconut Chili Beer Curry (has not been posted yet), and … [Read more...]